编者按:Adam Pretty 于1997年作为新闻摄影师加入《悉尼先驱晨报》,开始其职业摄影师生涯。1998年,他加入Getty Images 成为亚太区首席体育摄影。Pretty先生尤其热爱水下摄影,他创造了独特的水下摄影方法,并多次获得国际大奖。此次,Adam Pretty 接受了色影无忌独家专访,与大家分享他的摄影历程和对摄影的理解与探讨。
——Adam Pretty 如是说
盖蒂图片社首席体育摄影师Adam Pretty
色影无忌:Adam 您好,很高兴此次借由Profoto这个平台采访到您。 1997年的时候,您是因为怎样的契机加入《悉尼先驱晨报》,开始摄影师生涯的呢?
Xitek : Hello Adam, We are very glad to interview you today through Profoto Platform on Xitek. Please tell us how you became the «Sydney Morning Herald» photographer back in 1997.
Adam:I finished high school in 1994 and went to university to study Visual Communications, however I was eager to obtain experience working in the photography industry so I was looking for a job as well. A new position became available at the Sydney Morning Herald in 1995, working in the Mac room, scanning and printing images from digital negative into the computer and outputting them to the printers. I applied and got the job as I had quite a bit of experience printing in my own home darkroom and also taking pictures. Being pretty young I was familiar with computers,when, at that time, many photographers were not that comfortable using them. After a few years in that role, and constantly taking pictures and doing small assignments on my days off, I was given a job as a full time news photographer at the Sydney Morning Herald.
色影无忌:您觉得1998年加入Getty Images 后,您的摄影师生涯有什么不同么?
Xitek : Then in 1998 after you started to work for Getty Images, do you think something changed in your way of taking pictures ?
Adam:I started shooting sports full time when I joined Getty, which was my real passion. Being able to focus on sports photography full time really helped me improve as a sports photographer. It was also a very different way of working, being in an agency environment rather than with a newspaper, so that influenced my photography as well.
Xitek : As a kid, did you ever wanted to be a professional photographer ?
Adam:Yes! From the age of 15 I thought I would like to do this as a profession.
Xitek : World Press Photo,Sony World Photography Awards,Pictures of the Year International,NPPA Best of Photojournalism... Your pictures won several awards over the years, what do you think is the specificity of your work that bring attention in judges and public eyes ?
Adam:I think if you really express yourself through your work, strive to shoot something different and try and develop a unique visual style your work will be noticed by judges and the public. This definitely helps get your pictures published and, by extension, gets you noticed in competitions as something slightly different will – hopefully! - make your work stand out from the other entries and catch the eye of a judge. Keep trying to push your photography forward by experimenting and not being afraid to make mistakes. You really need to take a few risks in order to capture something different and surprising.