首页影像频道专访 > 对话盖蒂图片社体育摄影师Adam Pretty

对话盖蒂图片社体育摄影师Adam Pretty






编者按:Adam Pretty 于1997年作为新闻摄影师加入《悉尼先驱晨报》,开始其职业摄影师生涯。1998年,他加入Getty Images 成为亚太区首席体育摄影。Pretty先生尤其热爱水下摄影,他创造了独特的水下摄影方法,并多次获得国际大奖。此次,Adam Pretty 接受了色影无忌独家专访,与大家分享他的摄影历程和对摄影的理解与探讨。




——Adam Pretty 如是说

盖蒂图片社首席体育摄影师Adam Pretty

盖蒂图片社首席体育摄影师Adam Pretty



色影无忌:Adam 您好,很高兴此次借由Profoto这个平台采访到您。 1997年的时候,您是因为怎样的契机加入《悉尼先驱晨报》,开始摄影师生涯的呢?

Xitek : Hello Adam, We are very glad to interview you today through Profoto Platform on Xitek. Please tell us how you became the «Sydney Morning Herald» photographer back in 1997.

Adam:I finished high school in 1994 and went to university to study Visual Communications, however I was eager to obtain experience working in the photography industry so I was looking for a job as well. A new position became available at the Sydney Morning Herald in 1995, working in the Mac room, scanning and printing images from digital negative into the computer and outputting them to the printers. I applied and got the job as I had quite a bit of experience printing in my own home darkroom and also taking pictures. Being pretty young I was familiar with computers,when, at that time, many photographers were not that comfortable using them. After a few years in that role, and constantly taking pictures and doing small assignments on my days off, I was given a job as a full time news photographer at the Sydney Morning Herald. 


色影无忌:您觉得1998年加入Getty Images 后,您的摄影师生涯有什么不同么?

Xitek : Then in 1998 after you started to work for Getty Images, do you think something changed in your way of taking pictures ?

Adam:I started shooting sports full time when I joined Getty, which was my real passion. Being able to focus on sports photography full time really helped me improve as a sports photographer. It was also a very different way of working, being in an agency environment rather than with a newspaper, so that influenced my photography as well.



Xitek : As a kid, did you ever wanted to be a professional photographer ?

Adam:Yes! From the age of 15 I thought I would like to do this as a profession.





Xitek : World Press Photo,Sony World Photography Awards,Pictures of the Year International,NPPA Best of Photojournalism... Your pictures won several awards over the years, what do you think is the specificity of your work that bring attention in judges and public eyes ?

Adam:I think if you really express yourself through your work, strive to shoot something different and try and develop a unique visual style your work will be noticed by judges and the public. This definitely helps get your pictures published and, by extension, gets you noticed in competitions as something slightly different will – hopefully! - make your work stand out from the other entries and catch the eye of a judge. Keep trying to push your photography forward by experimenting and not being afraid to make mistakes. You really need to take a few risks in order to capture something different and surprising.




Xitek : So we know that during the 2008 Beijing Olympics, you had an earlier and more in-depth  access to the facilities and the olympics athletes. Can you talk about this experience ? What is your experience in Beijing and regarding China at that time ?

Adam:Yes, I worked with Xiqin Zhou, Assignments Editor from Getty Images’ Beijing office, who was able to secure wonderful access to a great range of Chinese athletes, and I had an awesome experience working with them! I could pretty much come up with any picture ideas, propose them to the athletes and sports governing bodies and most of the time they said yes. As a result, we managed to capture a really nice collection of images of the Chinese Olympians in the lead up to the games. The athletes were great to work with and much more open to photography than athletes I had worked with overseas in the past. I was really impressed by the level of professionalism. If I asked an athlete to do something specific they would pretty much get it right first time, meaning we could achieve a lot more within the short period of time we had with the athletes.

是的,我曾与Getty图片社北京办事处的编辑Xiqin Zhou(Ps :不知道这个中文名字的正确拼写)一起工作。有谁能够保证与大部分的中国运动员有过精彩访问?我与他们有一个了不起的合作经验。我几乎可以提出任何关于图片的想法,向运动员和体育管理委员会建议,大多数时间他们都说没问题。结果,我们捕捉到了中国奥运健儿在备战奥运时期非常真实和好的图像。与运动员一起工作很好,比以前我在海外与运动员一起共事存在更多的可能性。我对他们的专业水平真的印象非常深刻。如果我问运动员是否可以做某些特定动作时,通常他们第一次就可以非常正确的做到,这意味着我们可以在短时间内实现的更多。


Xitek : Over the years, did oriental culture had any influence in your work ?

Adam:Definitely, I think anywhere you work and live has a huge influence over what you are producing as photography is purely visual. Whatever you are seeing day to day will really influence your style and storytelling. I lived in Beijing from 2007 - 2011 and during this time travelled around the country shooting news, sports and entertainment as well as assignments everywhere from Beijing to Zhuhai to Chengdu, and shot the swimming, underwater and triathlon at the 2008 Olympics. I am currently based in Tokyo and continue to I travel to China on assignment for commercial clients such as Adidas.. My experience living and working in Beijing has influenced my photography by saturating me with Chinese culture and experiences.

当然,我认为在任何地方,你的工作与生活有着巨大的影响力,超过你拍摄呈现的纯粹的视觉。你日常看到的,会影响你的风格和故事。2007年—— 2011年期间,我住在北京,在这段期间内走遍全国各地,拍摄新闻、体育和娱乐,以及指派到各处,从北京到珠海、成都等等...并在2008年奥运会时拍摄游泳、水下及铁人三项全能项目。我目前住在东京,继续为我之前在中国的商业客户拍摄,如阿迪达斯等等...随着我对中国文化的理解和经历,我在北京生活、工作的经验已经影响了我的摄影创作。



Xitek : As a world class underwater photographer, could you please describe your first experience of underwater photography ? Why do you like underwater photography ?

Adam:I had just left high school and loved swimming and surfing so was always drawn to the water.It was just so unpredictable and you get a different result almost every time. I used a Nikonos 5 camera to shoot some surf life saving and swimming images. It was much tougher back then as you only had 36 frames (no big CF cards in a digital camera), so you really had to think about and compose your images with much more care than maybe you do nowadays, as today there is no real consequence for not thinking when shooting on digital (except you perhaps don’t get the best shots!),


色影无忌:一般要在水下工作多长时间? 在水下拍摄的状态是怎么样的?

Xitek : In general how long will you work underwater for a shoot ? Can you describe the experience of shooting underwater ?

Adam:Sometimes we start planning for an underwater shoot years in advance. For example, to gain access to the Olympics and major sporting events, the team at Getty Images starts preparing years out, securing access and permissions, getting the gear tested and working and experimenting with different cameras and lenses.


When I am doing a shoot, it is tough to do a full day as you are in and out of the pool and it is really tiring for the subjects as well as me. How long it takes also depends on the brief for the shoot and how difficult it is to achieve the result we are after. Sometimes you might set up for a day and shoot for five minutes, or you might be in the water for one hour and take five pictures. 


As far as the experience goes, it is great. Given you are weightless when underwater you have complete flexibility as to where you move and can really travel around the three dimensions. While this freedom is great, it is also tricky to master as sometimes there are too many things going on and it is a challenge to stay focused on what you are trying to achieve.




Xitek : Shooting underwater or on dry ground is totally different. Light, transparency of the water or other natural conditions are extremely hard to control which is probably why underwater shooting is not very frequent. People who saw your work knows that you have been developing your own specific way of shooting underwater for great achievements. Can you tell us more about your method ?

Adam:I use natural light, strobes/flash as well as HMI, depending on what I am trying to achieve with the mood, or the background. So my method changes as I learn more - and depending on the budget available! 



Xitek : For underwater photography how do you control the shoot and the postion ? 

Adam:I use scuba equipment most of the time, and then really give the subject a thorough brief about what I want them to do. I experiment as well, looking at the subject from all different sides and angles, which is why shooting underwater is so much fun.



Xitek : Profoto Light sharpers are many and offer various high quality results. In your shooting which one would be your favorites and what kind of effects are they offering you ?

Adam:I don't really have a favorite. I use soft boxes a lot and when shooting underwater I like the fresnel and the magnum reflectors as you can really direct the light and the water diffuses it a little anyway, as well as a beauty dis. I generally use a mix of light shapers. One thing I will say - when working underwater, simple is often the best solution.I would love to try using a giant reflector for an underwater shoot, and that is something I am yet to do.




Xitek : Your pictures give a great feeling of beauty and freshness in Art, how do you do to always bring such feeling of new and beauty in it ?

Adam:I always keep experimenting and learning new techniques, and, while I worry about the little details, I also allow myself to lose control of the situation slightly at times. This pushes you into mistake territory where you might get something unexpected and fresh, or learn a valuable lesson to help you in the future. Ultimately, if you keep pushing yourself and get out of your comfort zone you will produce fresh and surprising work.



Xitek : Now you also work as an Commercial Photographer, What is the difference in between your previous work method and now ? And what does this new status bring to you ?

Adam:It is totally different. In my sport editorial work I have absolutely no control over the situation or lighting, and in a commercial environment I have much more control. When I made the shift to commercial I tried to create the kind of pictures that were tough to capture in the real world of editorial. The pictures you previously imagined taking are made possible when you have the greater control over the situation, lighting and environment that commercial shooting allows. That said, it is important to retain that freshness I mentioned before. It is when you loosen control that you often get something unexpected and unique. I also like the contrast of working in editorial and commercial, having no control to almost full control, designing my own lighting rather than using what is available, being able to interact and talk to the subject and make it a real collaboration rather than a captured moment. I find doing both keeps me fresh and excited about both areas of photography – it is all about balance. 



Xitek : Finally, what kind of advise would you give students who are studying photography ?


Try not to spend to much time in front of the computer.


Get out there and shoot! Get experience behind the camera.


Keep experimenting. Make mistakes and learn from them.


Be persistent. Don't take no for an answer – within reason!


Show your work to as many people as possible and listen to their feedback.


Ask lots of questions!



Questions from photographers


In case you have to shoot a sport you before never been taking pictures of, what kind of preparations would you do ?

A:I try and research the sport a little, but not too much as I do not want to be influenced by what other people have done before. The best solution is to arrive at the event early and spend time observing the sport or event in action, and see what I think works the best without having anything else influence me.


Q:在你的主页幻灯片里,有非常多简洁漂亮的照片,能够代表体育却无法让人得知更具体的信息 。这样的照片报社会采用吗?还是说这些照片在拍摄完毕,立刻查看的时候心里就知道:"这张他们会发表" 、"这张很漂亮不过可能不会发表,自己放在主页上"?是否会出现"先完成工作用途的照片,再拍摄更注重自己想法的照片"这样的情况?

So on your website we can see quite a lot of very beautiful pictures, however they are lacking in pure informations regarding the competitions. Would media still publish them for news ? Also, once you finish your assignment would you also take pictures for yourself on the same spot ?

A:Yes, some media publications will publish a picture simply because it is a nice image, whether or not it has a big story attached to it. However it can be easier to have a picture published if there is also a newsworthy story to tell. I still think there are plenty of outlets that publish good photography for the sake of it, and, as we move further into the digital age, this is happening more and more as editors around the world have access to images instantly. I usually don't have many pictures of myself from events, only what some other photographers and friends might take of me.



Is a "good eye for photography" important in order to improve quality and take good pictures ? What would it take to train a "good eye for photography" ?

Yes, I believe you need a good eye or some sort of feel for photography, and from my experience you either have it or you don't. You can develop your “eye” a lot, learn a lot, but I think deep down you need to have some underlying natural talent that you can nurture in order to really succeed in photography, no matter how hard you work. To help train your “eye”, you need to spend lots of time taking pictures, looking at pictures, getting help from others in editing your work, and helping others edit their work - just really saturate yourself in all elements of photography.



For a successful photographer, what skills would play a key role in this success ?

A:Patience! And be willing to make mistakes, be stubborn, take advice and ask questions.



For a news shooting, in case the natural light is not good enough, would it be possible to use flashes for a better result ?

A:In some instances you can use flash to improve your results for sports photography. However, if you are shooting a live sports event it is pretty rare that you are allowed to use flash as it can distract and be dangerous for the athletes. If I am doing a commercial shoot or portrait, I will always have a flash option available to me as a back up to the natural light, or simply to give myself total control over the lighting and atmosphere.



After reaching success, how would you keep your passion for photography and be able to surpass yourself ?

A:I think "success" is pretty subjective, I am never totally satisfied with my own work as there is almost always something that you could have done better or improve upon. It is this that keeps me hungry and coming back again and again to try something new and push myself further. I definitely think passion is important and if you sense your passion is waning, you need to try something slightly different so that you can reignite that spark. We are lucky in photography in that there are so many areas and specialisations to master that you will never really be able to sit back, relax and say "yeah I am successful". There is always something new to see and to learn.



Adam Pretty

1997年,Adam 以悉尼先驱晨报的新闻摄影师为起点,开展了他的摄影生涯。1998年,专注于体育摄影的他加入了著名的盖蒂图片社。自从加入盖蒂图片社团队,Adam经常往来于洛杉矶,悉尼,北京和悉尼。Adam参加过五届奥运会的拍摄,并参与全球高销量杂志的拍摄,包括《体育画报》,《生活月刊》,《时代》,《时尚芭莎》和《玛利嘉儿》。

广告客户包括:Adidas, Nike, Acer, L'Oreal, BMW, General Motors, and Coke.


World Press Photo:
1st Place Sports Story 2011
1st Place Sports Feature 2005
2nd Place Sports Story 2004
1st Place Sports Story 2000

SSF World Sports Photo Contest:
Special Photographers Award 2004

Pictures of the Year International:
1st Place Sports Portfolio 2010
1st Place Olympics Sports Picture 2004
1st Place Sports Portfolio 2000
1st Place Sports Action Picture 1999
1st Place Sports Portfolio 1999

Communication Arts
1st Place Book Category 2010:

Walkley Award:
1st Place Sports Photography 2011
Press Photographer of the Year 2004
1st Place Photo Essay
1st place news picture 1998


Adam Pretty(1)